According to the previous section, the new namespaces that have been appended to the BCL by Microsoft with the .NET Framework 2.0 and later are as follows, although some of these namespaces and classes may be further modified or appended by Microsoft from time to time.
System.CodeDom Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, which is related to creating and running .NET Codes in the Runtime of the .NET Application.
System.ComponentModel Namespace
Those classes have been defined in this namespace, which is related to implementing the Design-Time and Run-Time Behavior of .NET Controls. Under this, there are classes related to Implementing Attributes and Type Converts, Binding to Data Source, and Licensing Components.
System.Configuration Namespace
Those classes are defined in this namespace, which is related to handling the configuration data of the application.
System.Data Namespace
This namespace has classes related to connecting to different types of databases and storing and retrieve data in them. That is, various classes related to .NET Database Handling have been defined in this namespace. ADO.NET Architecture is a representation of this namespace. That is, the various classes of ADO.NET are completely related to Database Manipulation.
System.Deployment Namespace
Those classes have been defined in this namespace, using which the customization of the up-gradation of the application is controlled.
System.DirectoryServices Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, using which Active Directory is accessed from Managed Code.
System.Drawing Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, which is used to achieve GDI + Graphics Functionalities with Imaging, Printing, and Text Services, including 2D and Vector Graphics Support.
System.EnterriseServices Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, which is used to develop more practical enterprise applications, i.e., Distributed Applications by developing COM+ services as .NET Framework Objects.
System.Linq Namespace
This namespace has classes related to Language Integrated Query, which is used to retrieve and store data from any type of data store on the basis of SQL queries.
System.Linq.Expressions Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, which can be used to represent Delegates and Lambda Expressions as Expression Trees so that High-Level Codes can be examined and processed at runtime.
System.Media Namespace
Classes related to playing System Sounds and WAV Files have been defined in this namespace.
System.Messaging Namespace
In this namespace, the classes related to connecting to the monitor and administering the Message Queue on the network and sending, receiving, or peeking the message have been defined. Also, classes related to .NET Remoting have also been defined in this namespace. However, arrangements have been made to replace this namespace by the Windows Communication Foundation launched with the .NET Framework 3.0.
System.Resources Namespace
Classes related to Resource Management required to internationalize a .NET application have been defined in this namespace.
System.ServiceProcess Namespace
Classes have been defined in this namespace, which is used to create such applications, which run as a service in the Windows operating system.
System.Timers Namespace
Classes related to Timer have been defined in this namespace, using which a code is executed on a specific type or at a specific type interval.
System.Transactions Namespace
Classes related to supporting Local or Distributed Transactions have been defined in this namespace.
System.Web Namespace
This namespace has classes related to developing ASP.NET Based Web Applications. That is, if we want to create a web application using ASP.NET, then we have to use different classes of this namespace. Classes of this namespace provide functionalities related to communication between Web Browser and Web Server and to create XML Web Services.
System.Windows.Forms Namespace
This namespace contains classes related to Windows Forms, which are used to create the Windows GUI, i.e., Graphical User Interface of the application. However, after the .NET Framework 3.0, Microsoft has implemented a new concept named WPF, which will completely replace Windows Forms in the future.
In this way, if we understand the concepts of these Class Libraries from the previous picture, then all the above Namespaces are completely part of Base Class Library, and with every new version of .NET Framework, there are some more Namespaces and Classes in these Base Class Libraries. is appended from time to time.
But still, the Namespaces which are specified as Base Class Library by ECMA Specification, we have discussed them earlier, whereas the Namespaces discussed later are not part of Base Class Library according to ECMA Standard, yet Microsoft’s From the perspective, these classes are also part of the Base Class Library.
Read also: Base Class Library in .NET